Facial Lift Surgery Summary


If you are considering a face lift, be sure you are prepared for all of the possible risks and side effects.  Make sure you do plenty of research and ask your doctor as many questions as you want.  Natural Face Lift alternatives are also available, should you decide that you do not want to face all of the risks and/or do not want to pay the high dollar price for the surgery.

Any kind of facial surgery is normally performed under general anesthesia in a hospital. Your hair does not need to be shaved. Instead, it will be held back with rubber bands during surgery.

Unlike a lot of operations there is not one preferred method of performing a face or neck lift as each surgeon generally perfects their own method. They will also be more than willing to tailor the operation around the patient’s needs and expectations.

Although the face and neck lift incisions vary, they generally start just above the hairline at the temples and then they continue along a line in front of the ear or just inside the cartilage at the front of the ear, behind the earlobe and sometimes into the scalp. They will then make another small incision just under the chin.

During the lift, the surgeon will separate the skin from the muscle and fat in the face and neck. The underlying muscle is then tightened along with the platysma muscle in the neck. All of the excess fat is removed, and after the deep tissues are tightened, the excess skin is pulled up and back and then trimmed. The incisions are closed with stitches and /or staples on the scalp. A dressing will be applied to protect the entire area.

What Are The Risks?

You will initially notice numbness but this is temporary and nothing to worry about. However, if you have very thin skin you may experience poor or delayed healing. Smokers might find that the skin peels and is dry around the scar but this is quite rare.

Surgeons will keep an eye out for thickening or raised scars, as these are a possible consequence after a face-lift.

You may notice a small shift in position of your hairline, as this is quite common. To minimize the effects of this inform your surgeon in advance of the operation how you usually style your hair and he or she can plan the incisions in advance.

Post operation effects and recovery time

The post operation effects and procedures are usually what cause people to look into natural face lift alternatives.  When considering all that goes into the surgery before and during the procedure, it is no wonder lots of people back out of the surgery after learning about the post operation issues.

After the operation your face and neck may be bandaged up to minimize swelling and bruising. A small tube might be inserted under the skin behind your ear for a day or two to drain any blood that might collect.

Always keep your head elevated above your heart level when lying down. Your surgeon will ensure that you rest for 72 hours to avoid placing any tension on your scars.

The dressing will be removed within one to five days and then the stitches will be removed after five days.

Once the bandages are removed you can shower and shampoo your hair as normal. Try to avoid steam baths, saunas and alcohol for several weeks after the operation.

You might experience some numbness or tightness for a few weeks after the operation but this is quite normal and nothing to worry about. Another thing that disturbs patients but again is common is to have an area of hardness, especially around the cheeks, chin and neck, which is caused by swelling.

Don’t do any strenuous exercise or lift heavy weights for at least three weeks. You might also find that you have to cancel any major social engagements for about a month until after the scars have had a chance to heal.

You will feel some discomfort for several days after surgery and you may be prescribed some medication to alleviate the pain. Sever pain is unusual. If you do have severe pain consult a doctor immediately.

Patients generally find that a cold compress will reduce the pain and swelling considerably and aid a faster recovery process.

Natural Face Lift


While a face lift is certainly a big risk to your health and certainly takes a big chunk out of your wallet, there are alternatives that many people try before taking the step towards surgery.  Face exercises and facial massage when done consistently can make huge improvements for problems with wrinkles, sagging skin, sagging neck, uneven brows, eye problems, deep furrows, etc.

A natural face lift is something that many people try because of its lack of risks and permanent results.  While the results are not overnight, consistent and proper exercises have been shown to have dramatic results for people as young as 18 and as old as 81.

Whether you want to try the natural alternative or not, make sure you are always properly informed as to whether surgery is the right option for you.  Do your homework, and make sure you are aware of all alternatives and possible solutions.